Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cold Nights and Bicycles

"Hey look, it's a full moon."

That's the thought that goes through my mind, without fail, at at least once every Fiasco. Maybe my brain doesn't work properly.

The FBC went for a bike ride on Tuesday night. It was cold out. It's January after all. Thankfully Tony was waiting for us at Turtle Park with some jugs of potent brew to warm us up. Tony rules.

Its fun riding down the street with 60 bikers at 11:45 on a 20 degree January night. People in cars have this confused look on their face that just warms my heart. I wonder what we'd have to do to elicit a look that would warm our fingers and toes.

Our route took us though Forest Park, one and half times around the Muny traffic circle like a space ship slingshoting to the moon. Down Lindell Blvd, to 21st, to Market, to 18th, to Chouteau, to Lenore K Sullivan, we looked up the skirt of the arch, made a left on the cobble stones and experienced 45 seconds of hell before reaching the Bar.

There was absolutely no back pack brisket on this ride.

We did however get five people into a phone booth and close the door.

Someone may or may not have, knowingly or unknowingly, drank some amount of human urine.

Riding home at four o'clock on a cold Wednesday morning in January you could almost forget that there are ever cars on the road.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

That Time of the Month

FBC Full Moon Fiasco 34: Tuesday, January 22nd 2008. The ride leaves Turtle Park at 11pm sharp.
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