The Fucking Bike Club Proves that South County is in fact Good For Something
The FBC fueling up for a bike ride.

The party on the island.

Jeff Miller has an idea.

I think we all know where this is going.


You think I can make it?

The Ultimate Male.

And Brian.

This is what Brian looks like when he's concussed.

Crossing the void.

A quick 3:00am session at the trails.

And some donuts for the ride home.

Remember, there is no shame in keeping a map in your bag.

The party on the island.

Jeff Miller has an idea.

I think we all know where this is going.


You think I can make it?

The Ultimate Male.

And Brian.

This is what Brian looks like when he's concussed.

Crossing the void.

A quick 3:00am session at the trails.

And some donuts for the ride home.

Remember, there is no shame in keeping a map in your bag.
Mmmm... donuts
I'm pretty sure I went to the Waffle House that night with blood still on my nose. One of the many things I forgot about that night.
Though we set foot in no bar that night, fiasco #44 was as fun as any other I've been on. Not mentioned was the three or four story pumpkin smash, a mini bonfire, dancing in parking lots and the occasional fireworks and/or popping cans. On top of all that there was nothing but friendly, courteous police all night long. Heck, two city squad cars pulled up on cue at the start when we were leaving the turtle to block traffic so we all could set off together. While at sweeping up the rear the various different county boys I spoke with only wanted to know what we were up to and to look out for us. I think it helped having a full cozy covering my beer while in the officer’s flash light beam.
I do believe Madonna del Ghisallo (the Patron Saint of Cycling) just may be watching over the fbc.
She is always watching over the FBC and its lifetime members for life. When I ate it in the middle of the pack during fiasco #40, neither myself nor others was injured...not to mention the numerous times underage drinking hasnt been persecuted...amen.
Have I mentioned lately that I miss you guys?
This ride was truly an awesome time.
now, with video!
we miss you to jeff. fbc spokane!!!!
I think it is absolutely EXCELLENT that someone took a video!
sucks that i was sick like a rabid cat. I missed FUN! Looks like the dirt shaping was appreciated, your welcome!
you know Lee, we wouldn't need maps if you kept the FBC in Forest Park. I could have been killed out there in suburbia!!
They fear us, Anonymous. We shant fear them.
I grew up across the street from the island. I wish I would have broken my face where I did so much stupid shit as a child rather than on big bend. goddamnit.
Oh wow I just found this site! Where do you live? How does one get involved in this kind of fun? I loved the pictures adn it reminded me of my friends in college.
The beautiful city of St. Louis, Missouri...all you gotta do is show up on a bike and have fun.
There are so many people enjoy this moment.
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