some news...

well FBCer's, i have some news (good or bad depending on how you feel about me, or just news if indifference is the case).
megan and i are moving out of state. to arizona to be exact. it has been fun, it has been wild. the fiasco and the races will continue without us. ride your bikes and support bike culture.
our last fiasco is going to be april 13 (thursday i think).
you should come.
it is going to be sweet
were going to miss you guys. long live our fearless leader!
I've got more bad news. I was driving down Hanley today and much to my disbelief, They fucking tore down Rocketship Park! On my way home tonite, I'm gonna stop and see if I can get some scrap as a momento.
it might be too late, but while riding in forest park the other day I saw that both roads next to the world's fair pavillion are closed to vehicle traffic. anyone still got their soapbox cars?
anyone got a spare knee they could donate? mine is completely fucked.
Glad I met ya, Mikey.
say it ant so mike say it ant so well all the fun had to come to a end sooner or later we will always have the mem and gum chewing contest and that weird music that i started to like but best of luck to you guys and maybe ill stop buy on my way to life in CA and say hi but hope to see you at the ride your pal jon m Candy out
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