what? ride bikes and shoot bb guns?

So I need some bb guns for the fbc biatholon (no idea how to spell that) so if you have a bb gun we can use let us know. Its gonna be a three and a half lap race each lap being a roughly a mile and you will have to shoot a can with a bb gun in between each lap. You might also have to chug a beer that is to be decided. Date is still unknown cough up them firearms so we get this in action.
Thats hot shiat, perhaps I should do something like that in one of my alley cats:) BB guns cool.....shot the school windows (lots of'm) out when I was a young'n:) Can you say Ass Whoop'n.
Fucking awesome. I don't have a BB gun yet, but maybe I'll get one for the event. Can I bring my 0.22 revolver instead? It's a little bullet. I'm kidding, I'll leave it at home under my pillow...
I love guns
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